Theme: Pharmaceutical Education; Research & Development
OCTOBER: 14-15 , 2024 ( VIRTUAL SUMMIT )
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  1. Research and development of vaccines for Coronavirus
  2. Drug delivery systems and pharmaceutical formulation
  3. Clinical Trials and Research Studies
  4. Pharmacy and Pharmacology
  5. Biologics and Biosimilars
  6. Drug Sciences, and Advancements in Pharma Industry
  7. GMP, GCP, and Regulatory Affairs
  8. Biomarkers and Biosensors
  9. Novel Improvements in Drug Delivery system
  10. Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Drug R and D
  11. Medicinal Chemistry & Computer Aided Drug Designing
  12. Pharmaceutical Education & Practice
  13. Impact of Covid-19 and Challenges
  1. Research and development of vaccines for Coronavirus
  2. Drug delivery systems and pharmaceutical formulation
  3. Clinical Trials and Research Studies
  4. Pharmacy and Pharmacology
  5. Biologics and Biosimilars
  6. Drug Sciences, and Advancements in Pharma Industry
  7. GMP, GCP, and Regulatory Affairs
  8. Biomarkers and Biosensors
  9. Novel Improvements in Drug Delivery system
  10. Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Drug R and D
  11. Medicinal Chemistry & Computer Aided Drug Designing
  12. Pharmaceutical Education & Practice
  13. Impact of Covid-19 and Challenges

ASPIREINSCI gleefully invites you to its “PHARMA COLLOQUIUM 2023”, which will take place virtually between September 04 – 05, 2023, with the purpose of gathering pharma professionals, researchers, scientists, and members of the Pharma industry. For this year’s congress, the emphasis will be on “Development of Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Systems.” We are committed to building on the two-year legacy of Pharma Colloquium 2023 of combining collaboration with access to leading-edge scientific information, new trends, and innovations in the fields of Pharmaceutics and drug delivery along with committed support from a top-notch speaking faculty. As a result of combating the COVID-19 pandemic, pharma innovation has evolved at an astonishing rate in the last year. Increasing productivity and efficiency in drug and biomedical R&D has caused pharmaceutical industries to carefully select the technologies they invest in. In this global consortium, researchers, pharmacists, scientists, academicians, and industry leaders discuss disruptive technologies and innovations in the pharmaceutical field, as well as strategies for cost-cutting and boosting productivity. During the two-day event, pharma and technology presentations will be given, along with interactive sessions, oral and poster sessions, and keynotes by industry and academic leaders. Join us for Pharma Colloquium 2023 to learn how pharma is moving from the bench to the market and to meet scientists from around the world.


Track: Research and development of vaccines for Coronavirus

PHARMA COLLOQUIUM 2023 brings together top basic, translational, and clinical researchers from around the world to share the latest studies, risk factors, important developments, and best research methods in the ongoing battle against Covid – 19 and related infectious diseases.

The mission of the PHARMA COLLOQUIUM 2023 conference in Health Care initiative was to assist in reducing the dissemination of infections associated with healthcare, by assisting with the assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation of national infection control policies. The ultimate goal is to endorse the quality promotion of health care that is safe for patients, health care workers, others in the health care setting and the environment, in the Infectious Diseases field

The COVID-19 pandemic is a powerful trigger that will change human behaviors and accelerate the adoption of new methods of scientific information-sharing among medical professionals

Track: Drug delivery systems and pharmaceutical formulation

A pharmaceutical formulation is a process for combining different chemicals, i.e., dynamic synthetic substances, in order to deliver medical compounds, i.e., medical drugs. Two things are relevant to this procedure: Stability of the item and Acceptability of the item to patients. A formulation study examines factors such as molecule size, polymorphism, pH, and dissolvability to determine whether these variables will affect the bioavailability of the medication. Pharmaceutical Formulation includes Ophthalmic Formulation, Pediatric Formulation Development, Topical Formulation Development, and Medication Formulation Development.

  1. Scholarly and Industry Viewpoints on Pharmaceutical Formulations
  2. Drug Excipients Development
  3. Novel Drug Formulation Procedures
  4. Drug Nanotechnology: Challenges and Opportunities
  5. Drug Formulations: Types and Novelties
  6. Wearable Drug Delivery
  7. Transdermal and Intradermal Drug Delivery Systems
  8. Drug Delivery approaches for Parenteral

Track: Clinical Preliminaries and Case Report Studies

Clinical Preliminaries are tests done in clinical exploration. Such outrageous biomedical or instinctive examination inspects on human individuals are expected to answer to correct requests in regards to biomedical or direct deterrents, with new meds, (for instance, novel vaccinations, drugs, dietary choices, dietary upgrades, and remedial contraptions) and known intercessions that certificate further review and correlation. Clinical primers make data on security and ampleness.

  1. Clinical Information Management
  2. Clinical Exploration on various infections
  3. Morals in Clinical Exploration
  4. Patient-Driven Clinical Preliminaries
  5. Undifferentiated organism and hereditary clinical examination
  6. Constant illness state the board

Track: Drug Sciences, and Advancements in Pharma Industry

The drug sciences joined a wide extent of legitimate controls that are essential to the divulgence and progression of new meds and medicines. Drug Sciences is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field that hopes to join significant norms of physical and innate science, building, natural science, and science to perceive how to advance the conveyance of medications to the body and make a translation of this planned appreciation into as great as could be expected medicines against human illness.

  1. Headways in drug innovation
  2. The pharmacological imperativeness of medications
  3. Pharmacoepidemiology and drug security
  4. Drug Nanotechnology
  5. Pharma and Biotech Monetary Standpoint
  6. Significance of Review in Drug Industry
  7. Integrative Essential Medical services
  8. Quality consideration Optometry
  9. Bioinformatics and Computational Science

Track: Biomarkers and Biosensors

Biomarkers and Biosensors offer cautious incorporation of biomarker/biosensor coordinated effort, energy research examples, and future headways in the usage of drug divulgence. Biomarkers to be used in analyze rather than obtrusive tests; biosensors for the specific and sensitive acknowledgment of these normal markers are furthermore investigated. Biomarkers and diagnostics expect a huge occupation in the result and disclosures in clinical settings to work on the idea of human wellbeing. Biomarkers focusing on significant areas of examination: early acknowledgment and perception. Early investigation and Prognostic Exploration consolidates the investigation having a tendency to think about the evaluation of remedial tests, markers, figure models, and decision devices.

  1. Biomarkers in Conclusion: Difficulties and Approaches
  2. Biomarkers for Disease Finding
  3. Medication Advancement in Oncology and Irresistible Sicknesses
  4. Phenotypic and genomic drug revelation
  5. Biomarkers for Non-Dangerous Infections
  6. Difficulties to biomarkers advancement in the resistant framework
  7. Biomarkers for Early Moderate Fiery and Immunological Illnesses
  8. Biomarkers and Cutting edge Sequencing
  9. Genomic Biomarkers in Clinical Turn of events

Track: Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Drug R and D

Bioavailability and Bioequivalence are expected for FDA evaluation of the security and sufficiency of a thing. Bioavailability and Bioequivalence generally base on the appearance of a medication substance from a medication. A couple in-vitro and in-vivo systems are used to measure the bioavailability of the drugs. For BA and BE considers a lone part, fasting study be performed. BA concentrates give other supportive pharmacokinetic information related to scattering, end, the effects of enhancements on maintenance of the drug, segment proportionality, linearity in the pharmacokinetics of the dynamic moieties, and, where suitable, inert moieties.

  1. Bioavailability and Bioequivalence viewpoints for Medication Items
  2. In vitro-In vivo connection
  3. Bioequivalence Study Plan
  4. Drug-discharge studies

Track: Medicinal Chemistry & Computer Aided Drug Designing

Medicinal chemistry and CADD is a motivating field as it links many methodical disciplines and consent for association with other scientists in exploring and emerging new drugs. Medicinal chemists apply their science preparation to the way toward consolidating new pharmaceuticals. They also expand the processes by which surviving pharmaceuticals are made. Over the last decade, the industry’s productivity has been falling with increasing R&D costs and time is taken to reach the market. This change was needed because of the high attrition rate in pre-clinical and incubation drug development studies because of earlier methods.

  1. EPR effect for cancer and inflammation
  2. Frontiers in Chemistry
  3. Fusion of Traditional and Bio Medicine
  4. Green Techniques for Medicinal Chemistry
  5. Medical Devices for Drug Delivery
  6. Medicinal & Pharmaceutical Biochemistry
  7. Structure-based Drug Design, Virtual screening
  8. Women Health Drug Discovery & Therapy

Track: Medicines and Marine Drugs

Marine Drugs are the science of marine life forms that are generally unexplored and speak to a huge asset for new medicines to combat major diseases, for example, Cancer, AIDS, or intestinal sickness. Research commonly centers on sessile life forms or moderate moving creatures due to their inalienable requirement for compound protections. Standard research includes an extraction of the living being in an appropriate solvent followed by either an assay of this crude extract for a particular disease target.

  1. Herbal Drug
  2. Ayurveda Medicinal Plants and Homeopathic Medicine
  3. Traditional Medicine
  4. Marine: The Ultimate Source of Bioactive and Drug Metabolites
  5. Bioactive Natural Products from Marine Bacteria
  6. Marine Probiotics and Prebiotics
  7. A Promising Future for Marine Drugs and Medicinal products
  8. Anti-cancer agents in Medicinal Plants
  9. Therapeutic Drugs and Personalized Medicines

Track: Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry and Natural Products

Pharmacognosy is the examination of prescriptions of customary commencement. Phytochemistry is the examination of phytochemicals, which are synthetic compounds, got from plants. Those examining phytochemistry try to portray the constructions of the huge number of optional metabolic mixtures found in plants, the components of these blends in human and plant science, and the biosynthesis of these mixtures. Normal items at times enjoy a medicinal benefit as standard medications for treating sicknesses, yielding data to decide dynamic parts as lead compounds for drug revelation.

  1. Ethnopharmacognosy
  2. Marine Pharmocognosy and Marine Medications
  3. Regular Result of Medication and Interest
  4. Fragrant Plant
  5. Optional Metabolites and Nutraceuticals
  6. Cosmeceuticals and Corrective Industry
  7. Regular Items as Hostile to Disease Specialists
  8. Phytoconstituents

Track: GMP, GCP, and Regulatory Affairs

The progression of new drug items expects no less than 15 years on account of changes in the guidelines. Administrative Issues Division goes probably as the point of interaction between the drug association and the Administrative workplaces over the world. Administrative experts act as an essential occupation for the underwriting of generics. Administrative Undertakings contribute fundamentally to the overall achievement of drug improvement, both at early pre-advertising stages and consistently post-showcasing. Administrative Issues specialists can accept a vital occupation in overseeing drug improvement frameworks in a certain overall condition.

  1. Drug Safety
  2. Best Industry Practices
  3. Current GMP Rules (cGMP) and GxP in Drugs
  4. Administrative Techniques and advancements for new medications
  5. Administrative Necessities for Drugs
  6. Pharmacoeconomics and results research

Track: Novel Improvements in Drug Delivery system

  1. Controlled Medication Conveyance Framework
  2. Visual Medication Conveyance Framework
  3. 2D and 3D Imprinting in Medication Conveyance
  4. Drug Conveyance: Gadgets and Hardware

Novel Medication Conveyance frameworks can be alluded to as, approaches, details, innovations, and frameworks for moving a drug compound in the body on a case by case basis to securely accomplish its ideal helpful impacts.

In the momentum research, Medication conveyance frameworks have portrayed in four general classifications:

  1. Swallowing
  2. Inhalation
  3. Absorption through the skin
  4. Intravenous injection.

Drug conveyance can be in an assortment of ways by:

  1. Gulping
  2. Inward breath
  3. Retention through the skin
  4. Intravenous infusion.

Drug conveyance frameworks can be:

  1. Controlled Medication Conveyance Framework
  2. Visual Medication Conveyance Framework
  3. 2D and 3D Imprinting in Medication Conveyance
  4. Drug Conveyance: Gadgets and Hardware

Track: Drug Microbial science and Biotechnology

  1. Controlled environments
  2. Antimicrobial activity
  3. Microbiology
  4. Molecular biology
  5. Biochemistry
  6. Genetics

Drug Microbial science is the part of Microbial science, which includes the investigation of microorganisms related with the assembling of drugs. for example controlling the quantity of microorganisms in an interaction climate, barring microorganisms and microbial results like exotoxin and endotoxin from water and other beginning materials, and guaranteeing the clean completed drug item. Drug microbial science incorporates the innovative work of against infective specialists, where the utilization of microorganisms to recognize mutagenic and cancer-causing action in planned drugs, and in the assembling of drug items like insulin and human development chemical.

Microbial science contains various sub-divisions which include:

  1. Virology
  2. Bacteriology
  3. Protistology
  4. Mycology
  5. Immunology
  6. Parasitology

Drug Biotechnology is essentially characterized as, the science that covers every one of the advancements expected for the creation, assembling, and enrollment of natural medications. It Incorporates:

  1. Genetics
  2. Recombinant DNA technology
  3. Biochemistry
  1. Research and development of vaccines for Coronavirus
  2. Drug delivery systems and pharmaceutical formulation
  3. Clinical Trials and Research Studies
  4. Pharmacy and Pharmacology
  5. Biologics and Biosimilars
  6. Drug Sciences, and Advancements in Pharma Industry
  7. GMP, GCP, and Regulatory Affairs
  8. Biomarkers and Biosensors
  9. Novel Improvements in Drug Delivery system
  10. Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Drug R and D
  11. Medicinal Chemistry & Computer Aided Drug Designing
  12. Pharmaceutical Education & Practice
  13. Impact of Covid-19 and Challenges

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